Friday, January 21, 2011

Herzog and I

After watching Stroszek in its entirety, I have realized that Werner Herzog and I are almost artistically polar opposites. Herzog uses the genuine nature of the people he encounters as his inspiration. He takes a material and crafts the most natural form from it. I am, for all intents and purposes, the antithesis of Herzog. My current project, I Don't Get It: Portraiture and Propaganda, is all about fabricating a situation and a character. Even my fabrications are based on fabrications. My work further abstracts from an already abridged image of a person. I create the setting, select the props, and tell my models how to pose. They may as well be fleshy coatracks. Herzog and I seem to have the same mission: to recreate a believable image. However, it's much easier to assume an expression for the amount of time it takes to take a picture than for a two hour film.


  1. That is interesting, that although you and Herzog each have very separate approaches to your art, that you're both trying to reach a similar result. The means by which you each go about getting to the ends are different, but the products at the end will be unique as well. Film and photography do share visual elements, but they way Herzog uses his actors may not be so easily applicable to photos. Perhaps some of the differences are created by the fact that your mediums have separate qualities.

  2. I think it is pretty cool how you included the dancing chicken from the film on you reflection. The fact that you are creating the set, selecting the props, and telling your models what to do is ironc, because I am convinced, that in some way, some one did the same for those animals.

  3. Herzog isn't afraid of giving up control and letting things get out of hand. In contrast you will be controlling all aspects of the shoot.

  4. Do you think if you had some sort of opportunity to capture actual ancient culture (i.e. time machine or black hole that romans came out of) you would attempt to construct you project differently? Perhaps more Herzog-like? Maybe your subject matter is the most distinguishing factor between you and Herzog.
