Wednesday, February 15, 2012

HillMarie's Photostream

Self Portrait #1Self Portrait #2Self Portrait #3Door #1Door #2Door #3
Gate of the GuggenheimDoor #4Going UpStairway to HeavenThe Form of the ForumSenatus Populusque Romanus
ColosseumIserniaAnam ShahidColin & HillaryMelody & AaronMelody

Hey everyone! My Flickr gadget decided to kick the bucket, but if you're interested in any of my other photos that aren't in my Imperatum series, check out my Flickr Photostream!


  1. Is this the equivalent of a digital resurrection? Did anyone find out what's up with the Flickr gadget? Issues between Yahoo and Google maybe?

  2. I personally think it's very interesting that she uses fashion models in her work. Fashion (particularly like, Vogue) is often considered "high art," but it's accessible to more people than, say, an exhibition at the MCA, because it can be purchased waiting in line at the grocery store. It's like she's merging two forms of high art that have never been merged before. Or maybe I just like fashion, I'm not sure...
